The Word From Arizona's Fifth District

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wednesday Open Thread

I received an e-mail from Carolyn at Buzzflash. They have a piece on J.D. and his connections with Big Oil, a close to $170,000 connection. A group of citizens united against J.D. and his corrupt policies protested outside a Hayworth fundraiser with big red foam hands. [Edit: I just saw on the YouTube summary that it was a gathering. Go MoveOn!] Yes, J.D., you have been caught red-handed. They also YouTubed the protest, great vid, really cute. Check it out.

Craig has the run-down on the back and forth between Harry Mitchell and J.D. Hayworth concerning ethics. Craig points out that most of Hayworth's ammunition is more than twelve years old and very minor. Todd Sommers must have a lot of time to do opposition research at the library going through reels of microfilm. Well, he has more stomach than me, those things make me feel seasick. I prefer, you know, Google and the Internet. Stuff that is relevant within the past several years, rather than decades.

Last night, Ned Lamont became the new face of the people-powered progressive movement by beating Joe Lieberman. J.D. Hayworth is in big trouble if a Northeastern Democrat with the same positions is getting thrown out in a primary. I hope Harry publicly endorses Lamont. Let's not only make this election a referendum on Hayworth's ethics, his xenophobic immigration rhetoric, and his blowhardiness, but on Hayworth's unwavering support for the President and the disasterous debacle in Iraq.


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