The Word From Arizona's Fifth District

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tuesday News Update

Mike from Blog for Arizona has a great piece on the money trails between Abramoff and Hayworth. Check it out and see how Hayworth and his wife have been living off of PAC contributions funneled by Abramoff.

AZCongressWatch has the round-up on all the latest campaign news.

Craig at Random Musings is now on J.D.'s radar. He was cited in Hayworth's latest lame press release attacking Mitchell for being for universal health care. Craig's blog doesn't really go into any details on Mitchell's plan, but it's nice to know we actually have a candidate who cares about the thousands of Arizonans without health coverage.


At 1:03 PM, Blogger Craig said...

I didn't go into any details because there weren't any. Harry was giving a general answer to a general question.

And JD should have had someone at the forum - no matter what his press release says, Hillary Clinton was never mentioned by any of the candidates.

Of course, he may just be trying to tarnish Harry by associating him with Hillary, which might be an effective campaign tactic except for one minor detail.

Her personal popularity with everyone except for hardcore Reps, who are already in JD's camp.

I was going to go golfing this afternoon, but it is cloudy, and now I have something to post about. Wonder if JD is going to cite my next post? LOL.

Thanks for the heads up!

At 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what about the montoni article on how jd is an anti-semite?


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